Revised: May 15, 2019 at the Annual General Meeting
(A) To be eligible for membership in the Archdiocese of the Grouard-McLennan Cursillo Movement, a person must have attended a Cursillo Weekend and reside in the Archdiocese
(B) Any member wishing to withdraw from membership may do so upon a notice in writing to the Board of Directors through its secretary.
(A) The Annual General Meeting of the Secretariat shall be held once in each calendar year, at a time and place to be selected, on or before June 30.
(B) Seven days written notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given by email to all Members who have given us their email address and appear on the Register. (Also regular mail and Diocesan Church Bulletins can be used to convey pertinent information).
(C) Special General Meetings may be called at any time, by the Secreteriat.
(D) Quorum for the Annual General Meeting or any special meeting of the Secretariat shall be ten (10) members.
(E) The Secretariat Chair will chair the Annual General Meeting.
(F) Any Member has the right to vote at any General Meeting of the Movement. Such votes must be made in person and not by proxy or otherwise.
(A) The affairs of the Movement shall be managed by the Secreteriat.
(B) All Members of the Movement who have worked at least two (2) Cursillo Weekends are eligible for election to the Secretariat.
(C) At the first meeting of the Secretariat each new year, the Members will choose a Directorship for that current year. Other positions may be determined as required by the Secretariat.
(D) The location and time of the Secretariat Meetings shall be decided at the first Secretariat Meeting.
(E) Special Meetings of the Secretariat may be convened by the Chair. Notice of such meetings shall be two (2) days before the meeting is to take place.
(F) Six (6) Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(G) Directors and any other Officers of the Secretariat shall serve without remuneration except for reimbursement of out of pocket expenses incurred in carrying out their duties for the Movement
(H) The term of office on the Board shall be two (2) years.
(I) Except in the case of fulfilling another Director’s term of less than two (2) years, Directors may serve for two consecutive terms, and then they must give up their position for a period of at least one year.
(J) If a Director is absent for two consecutive meetings, the Director may be asked to resign their position.
(A) Elections to fill positions on the Secretariat shall be held at the Annual General Meeting of the Movement.
(B) The election of Members to the Secretariat shall be by secret ballot unless the Members present choose to vote by a show of hands.
(C) An effort shall be made to ensure that all terms of office do not expire in the same year.
(D) Vacancies on the Secretariat may, at the discretion of the Directors, be filled by appointment. Such appointments will only be valid until the next Annual General Meeting. The vacant position will then be filled as per Article IV (A).
(E) Any member of the Movement may attend a Meeting of the Secretariat but may not vote.
(F) Spiritual Directors shall be appointed by the Archbishop. The Spiritual Director shall be responsible for working with the Archbishop to appoint a successor prior to the end of their term.
(A) CHAIR/LAY DIRECTOR: The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Secretariat. The Chair shall also be charged with the general management and supervision of the affairs and operations of the Secretariat. The Chair, with the Secretary or any other Officer appointed by the Secretariat for the purpose, shall sign all resolutions. The Chair will be responsible for getting meeting agendas ready and circulated to the Directors
The Chair of the Diocesan Secretariat is the Lay Director and along with the Secretariat has the overall responsibility for keeping the Movement authentic and for providing an environment that draws on the collective wisdom of Cursillistas.
(B) SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep proper (and hard copies) of all minutes and records of all the Meetings of the Secretariat and of the General Meetings of the Secretariat and shall forward notice of all meetings to the Directors and Members concerned. The Secretary will have custody of the "SEAL" of the Secretariat.
(C) TREASURER: The Treasurer of the Secretariat shall have custody of all funds. They shall keep proper and adequate books and accounts in respect to the said funds and shall give a financial statement at each Secretariat Meeting. The Treasurer shall present an audited financial statement at the Annual General Meeting.
(D) SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR: The Spiritual Director shall be responsible to assist the Secretariat with the content of the “Book Table” and reading list for the Cursillo Weekend. The Spiritual Director shall be responsible to advise the Secretariat in reviewing the Liturgical Elements of the Cursillo Weekend. The Spiritual Director shall be responsible - with the Director of Cursillos - to select the Rector/Rectora for upcoming Weekends.
(A) The books, accounts and records of the Treasurer shall be reviewed at least once each year by at least two (2) Members of the Secretariat, elected for that purpose at the Annual General Meeting.
(B) A complete and proper statement of the previous year shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Movement.
(C) The fiscal year shall be July 1 to June 30.
(A) Monthly statements of receipts and expenditures shall be approved by the Secretariat at their Monthly Meetings.
(B) Signing authorities shall be the Treasurer and one of three (3) Members of the Secretariat.
(C) Authorization for the borrowing of funds must be a unanimous motion of the full Secretariat.
(A) All meetings of the Secretariat and the Annual General Meeting shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order except as superseded by these BY-LAWS. (Secretariat Directors will be provided with a Robert’s Rules of Order.).
(A) In order to be valid on official documents, the Seal of the Secretariat must be accompanied by the signatures of the Chair and Secretary of the Secretariat.
(A) Upon dissolution of the Movement, all assets are to be used for or transferred to a charity designated by a majority of the Secretariat holding office at the time of dissolution and approved by Revenue Canada with the approval of the Archbishop.